
Choose Files

Displays window with a Windows dialog box to choose a file/files from the file list. You can select one or more files.

In a SearchPattern field (this parameter is optional) you can use variable or sequence of characters (wildcards are allowed). You can use an asterisk (*) to replace any sequence of characters, so pattern “*.xlsx” finds all Excel documents in a given folder, “nu*” finds all files that name starts with letters “nu”. Without parameter in SearchPattern field the activity will display all documents in a given folder. The output variable (type: array of strings) will store a list of entire file names (starting from directory name, e.g. C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Books\Romeo-and-Juliet.pdf).

Parameter nameParameter TypeIn/OutDescription
Alternative Scenario If FailedBooleanInputcheckbox; default is "on"
DisplayNameLiteralInputyou can change the name of activity for greater clarity of the scenario
Initial pathStringInputpath to the source folder
SearchPatternStringInputstring to match
FileListString[]Outputvariable that will store the list of files
ResultBooleanOutputreturns the Boolean value: it will return True if no error is in activity, otherwise it will return False
Result CodeInt32OutputResult Code will return 0 if there is no error in activity, otherwise in most cases it will return 1, the extended result code will show only in several chosen activities